Personalized Daily Arxiv Papers 05/21/2024

Total relevant papers: 6

Paper selection prompt and criteria at the bottom

Table of contents with paper titles:

  1. A Multi-Perspective Analysis of Memorization in Large Language Models Authors: Bowen Chen, Namgi Han, Yusuke Miyao

  2. Multiple-Choice Questions are Efficient and Robust LLM Evaluators Authors: Ziyin Zhang, Lizhen Xu, Zhaokun Jiang, Hongkun Hao, Rui Wang

  3. MAML-en-LLM: Model Agnostic Meta-Training of LLMs for Improved In-Context Learning Authors: Sanchit Sinha, Yuguang Yue, Victor Soto, Mayank Kulkarni, Jianhua Lu, Aidong Zhang

  4. xFinder: Robust and Pinpoint Answer Extraction for Large Language Models Authors: Qingchen Yu, Zifan Zheng, Shichao Song, Zhiyu Li, Feiyu Xiong, Bo Tang, Ding Chen

  5. MoRA: High-Rank Updating for Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning Authors: Ting Jiang, Shaohan Huang, Shengyue Luo, Zihan Zhang, Haizhen Huang, Furu Wei, Weiwei Deng, Feng Sun, Qi Zhang, Deqing Wang, Fuzhen Zhuang

  6. Efficient Prompt Tuning by Multi-Space Projection and Prompt Fusion Authors: Pengxiang Lan, Enneng Yang, Yuting Liu, Guibing Guo, Linying Jiang, Jianzhe Zhao, Xingwei Wang

ArXiv ID: 2405.11577 Authors: Bowen Chen, Namgi Han, Yusuke Miyao

Abstract: arXiv:2405.11577v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs), trained on massive corpora with billions of parameters, show unprecedented performance in various fields. Though surprised by their excellent performances, researchers also noticed some special behaviors of those LLMs. One of those behaviors is memorization, in which LLMs can generate the same content used to train them. Though previous research has discussed memorization, the memorization of LLMs still lacks explanation, especially the cause of memorization and the dynamics of generating them. In this research, we comprehensively discussed memorization from various perspectives and extended the discussion scope to not only just the memorized content but also less and unmemorized content. Through various studies, we found that: (1) Through experiments, we revealed the relation of memorization between model size, continuation size, and context size. Further, we showed how unmemorized sentences transition to memorized sentences. (2) Through embedding analysis, we showed the distribution and decoding dynamics across model size in embedding space for sentences with different memorization scores. The n-gram statistics analysis presents d (3) An analysis over n-gram and entropy decoding dynamics discovered a boundary effect when the model starts to generate memorized sentences or unmemorized sentences. (4)We trained a Transformer model to predict the memorization of different models, showing that it is possible to predict memorizations by context.

Comment: This paper might be relevant to criterion 2 as it discusses memorization in LLMs, which can be related to test set contamination and membership inference methods. Relevance: 5 Novelty: 5

ArXiv ID: 2405.11966 Authors: Ziyin Zhang, Lizhen Xu, Zhaokun Jiang, Hongkun Hao, Rui Wang

Abstract: arXiv:2405.11966v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We present GSM-MC and MATH-MC, two multiple-choice (MC) datasets constructed by collecting answers and incorrect predictions on GSM8K and MATH from over 50 open-source models. Through extensive experiments, we show that LLMs' performance on the MC versions of these two popular benchmarks is strongly correlated with their performance on the original versions, and is quite robust to distractor choices and option orders, while the evaluation time is reduced by a factor of up to 30. Following a similar procedure, we also introduce PythonIO, a new program output prediction MC dataset constructed from two other popular LLM evaluation benchmarks HumanEval and MBPP. Our data and code are available at

Comment: This paper does not match any of the specified criteria closely but may be tangentially related to criterion 4 regarding evaluating LLMs. Relevance: 4 Novelty: 5

ArXiv ID: 2405.11446 Authors: Sanchit Sinha, Yuguang Yue, Victor Soto, Mayank Kulkarni, Jianhua Lu, Aidong Zhang

Abstract: arXiv:2405.11446v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Adapting large language models (LLMs) to unseen tasks with in-context training samples without fine-tuning remains an important research problem. To learn a robust LLM that adapts well to unseen tasks, multiple meta-training approaches have been proposed such as MetaICL and MetaICT, which involve meta-training pre-trained LLMs on a wide variety of diverse tasks. These meta-training approaches essentially perform in-context multi-task fine-tuning and evaluate on a disjointed test set of tasks. Even though they achieve impressive performance, their goal is never to compute a truly general set of parameters. In this paper, we propose MAML-en-LLM, a novel method for meta-training LLMs, which can learn truly generalizable parameters that not only perform well on disjointed tasks but also adapts to unseen tasks. We see an average increase of 2% on unseen domains in the performance while a massive 4% improvement on adaptation performance. Furthermore, we demonstrate that MAML-en-LLM outperforms baselines in settings with limited amount of training data on both seen and unseen domains by an average of 2%. Finally, we discuss the effects of type of tasks, optimizers and task complexity, an avenue barely explored in meta-training literature. Exhaustive experiments across 7 task settings along with two data settings demonstrate that models trained with MAML-en-LLM outperform SOTA meta-training approaches.

Comment: Relevant to criterion 1 as it discusses meta-training LLMs for improved in-context learning, which is related to fine-tuning steps for instruction-following. Relevance: 5 Novelty: 4

ArXiv ID: 2405.11874 Authors: Qingchen Yu, Zifan Zheng, Shichao Song, Zhiyu Li, Feiyu Xiong, Bo Tang, Ding Chen

Abstract: arXiv:2405.11874v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The continuous advancement of large language models (LLMs) has brought increasing attention to the critical issue of developing fair and reliable methods for evaluating their performance. Particularly, the emergence of subjective or non-subjective cheating phenomena, such as test set leakage and prompt format overfitting, poses significant challenges to the reliable evaluation of LLMs. Since evaluation frameworks often utilize Regular Expression (RegEx) for answer extraction, some models may adjust their responses to comply with specific formats that are easily extractable by RegEx. Nevertheless, the key answer extraction module based on RegEx frequently suffers from extraction errors. This paper conducts a comprehensive analysis of the entire LLM evaluation chain, demonstrating that optimizing the key answer extraction module can improve extraction accuracy, reduce LLMs' reliance on specific answer formats, and enhance the reliability of LLM evaluation. To address these issues, we propose xFinder, a model specifically designed for key answer extraction. As part of this process, we create a specialized dataset, the Key Answer Finder (KAF) dataset, to ensure effective model training and evaluation. Through generalization testing and evaluation in real-world scenarios, the results demonstrate that the smallest xFinder model with only 500 million parameters achieves an average answer extraction accuracy of 93.42%. In contrast, RegEx accuracy in the best evaluation framework is 74.38%. xFinder exhibits stronger robustness and higher accuracy compared to existing evaluation frameworks. All resources for xFinder are available at \url{}.

Comment: This paper does not match any of the specified criteria closely. Relevance: 3 Novelty: 4

ArXiv ID: 2405.12130 Authors: Ting Jiang, Shaohan Huang, Shengyue Luo, Zihan Zhang, Haizhen Huang, Furu Wei, Weiwei Deng, Feng Sun, Qi Zhang, Deqing Wang, Fuzhen Zhuang

Abstract: arXiv:2405.12130v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Low-rank adaptation is a popular parameter-efficient fine-tuning method for large language models. In this paper, we analyze the impact of low-rank updating, as implemented in LoRA. Our findings suggest that the low-rank updating mechanism may limit the ability of LLMs to effectively learn and memorize new knowledge. Inspired by this observation, we propose a new method called MoRA, which employs a square matrix to achieve high-rank updating while maintaining the same number of trainable parameters. To achieve it, we introduce the corresponding non-parameter operators to reduce the input dimension and increase the output dimension for the square matrix. Furthermore, these operators ensure that the weight can be merged back into LLMs, which makes our method can be deployed like LoRA. We perform a comprehensive evaluation of our method across five tasks: instruction tuning, mathematical reasoning, continual pretraining, memory and pretraining. Our method outperforms LoRA on memory-intensive tasks and achieves comparable performance on other tasks.

Comment: This paper does not match any of the specified criteria closely. Relevance: 3 Novelty: 4

ArXiv ID: 2405.11464 Authors: Pengxiang Lan, Enneng Yang, Yuting Liu, Guibing Guo, Linying Jiang, Jianzhe Zhao, Xingwei Wang

Abstract: arXiv:2405.11464v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Prompt tuning is a promising method to fine-tune a pre-trained language model without retraining its large-scale parameters. Instead, it attaches a soft prompt to the input text, whereby downstream tasks can be well adapted by merely learning the embeddings of prompt tokens. Nevertheless, existing methods still suffer from two challenges: (i) they are hard to balance accuracy and efficiency. A longer (shorter) soft prompt generally leads to a better (worse) accuracy but at the cost of more (less) training time. (ii) The performance may not be consistent when adapting to different downstream tasks. We attribute it to the same embedding space but responsible for different requirements of downstream tasks. To address these issues, we propose an Efficient Prompt Tuning method (EPT) by multi-space projection and prompt fusion. Specifically, it decomposes a given soft prompt into a shorter prompt and two low-rank matrices, whereby the number of parameters is greatly reduced as well as the training time. The accuracy is also enhanced by leveraging low-rank matrices and the short prompt as additional knowledge sources to enrich the semantics of the original short prompt. In addition, we project the soft prompt into multiple subspaces to improve the performance consistency, and then adaptively learn the combination weights of different spaces through a gating network. Experimental experiments on 13 natural language processing downstream tasks show that our method significantly and consistently outperforms 11 comparison methods with the relative percentage of improvements up to 28.8%, and training time decreased by 14%.

Comment: This paper does not match any of the specified criteria closely. Relevance: 3 Novelty: 4

Paper selection prompt

  1. New methodological improvements to RLHF or instruction-following which are specific fine-tuning steps that are taken to make language models better at following user instructions across a range of tasks.
    • Relevant: papers that discuss specific methods like RLHF, or instruction-tuning datasets, improving these methods, or analyzing them. Usually these papers will explicitly mention RLHF, instruction-following or instruction-tuning.
    • Not relevant: papers about adaptation to some task. Simply following instructions or inputs are not sufficient.
  2. Shows new powerful test set contamination or membership inference methods for language models. Test set contamination is the phenomenon where a language model observes a benchmark dataset during pretraining.
    • Relevant: test statistics that can detect contamination of benchmarks in language models. statistics that can provide guarantees are more interesting. membership inference methods that are general enough to apply to language models are also relevant.
    • Not relevant: any papers that do not consider language models, or that do not consider test set contamination.
  3. Shows a significant advance in the performance of diffusion language models.
    • Relevant: papers that study language models that are also diffusion models. Continuous diffusions are even more relevant, while discrete diffusions are less so.
    • Not relevant: papers about image diffusions like DALL-E or Stable Diffusion, or papers that do not explicitly mention language models or applications to text.
  4. Describes new paradigms to evaluating open-ended text generation. Evaluating the outputs of language models is hard, especially in open-ended settings like for chatbots.
    • Relevant: papers that fundamentally rethink language model evaluation -- especially by accounting for subjectivity or using adversaries.
    • Not relevant: specific evaluations for specific tasks, identifying new properties or flaws of language models, or simply collecting new data.
  5. Conducts surveys or provides data into real-world usage and safety properties of language models.
    • Relevant: papers that create new datasets or surveys on real-world usage of language models.
    • Not relevant: papers that apply language models to new real-world tasks.
  6. Studies 'scaling laws' in the context of neural networks. Scaling laws refer to the very clear power-law relationship between the size or computational power used to train a model and the performance of that model.
    • Relevant: theoretical or conceptual explanation behind scaling laws for language models.
    • Not relevant: papers that have experiments at different model scales (but do not explicitly fit a scaling law) or papers that mention scaling laws, but the scaling laws are not the central subject of the paper

In suggesting papers to your friend, remember that he enjoys papers on statistical machine learning, and generative modeling in natural language processing. Your friend also likes learning about surprising empirical results in language models, as well as clever statistical tricks. He does not want to read papers that are about primarily applications of methods to specific domains.